The Book of Job: Chapter 42

The book of Job ends with a happy ending: Job's fortunes and family restored. Before that could happen though, Job had to walk through the process of repentance. He had to acknowledge his sin and who God really is, then he had to choose to either accept or reject God. The ending of Job's story... Continue Reading →

The Book of Job: Chapter 41

Through His description of the Leviathan, God speaks of His relationship with mankind. As the sea monster is mighty and fearsome, so is God. Independent, strong, the only One the creature bows to is God and no man can hope to tame it. In His mercy to us, God is softer, gentler, but He is... Continue Reading →

The Book of Job: Chapter 40

How do we see God? In Chapter 40 of the Book of Job, God continues His answer to Job. Within it, God challenges not only Job's view of Him, but ours as well. Whether we are Christians from birth or non-believers, at some point we tend to think God isn't enough and we act on... Continue Reading →

The Book of Job: Chapter 39

In Chapter 39, God speaks of nature and the animals that dwell on the earth. He asks Job, Do you command them as I do? But what He shows us is the instability of a life built with pieces of the world and Him. In studying the thirty-ninth chapter of Job, I find confirmation for... Continue Reading →

The Book of Job: Chapter 38

The path has been laid, the foundation set, and finally God speaks. The beginning of the Lord's discourse may seem combative, even demeaning, but what God's words do is break down the rest of the wall that is keeping Job from Him. This beginning also shows us just how great God is and how great... Continue Reading →

The Book of Job: Chapter 37

Can we all agree that storms, both atmospherical and of life, are hard? Yet there is opportunity to draw near to God in both. In the final chapter of his discourse, Elihu speaks about storms and the One who controls them. This is actually a great ending to his discourse because Job is navigating his... Continue Reading →

The Book of Job: Chapter 36

The majority of Chapter 36 is taken up with Elihu expounding on God's grace and mercy. In comparison, Elihu points out how Job has become lofty in his heart and judgmental of others. What does this mean for all of us? For one, God does not dismiss any of us. He operates in mercy and... Continue Reading →

The Book of Job: Chapter 35

This portion of Elihu's speech focuses on the question: What does it profit a man to be friends with God? This is something Job spoke without first addressing all the ways God had originally blessed him. Job was of the mind that God gives and takes away, yet we must remember that fresh and salt... Continue Reading →

Let People Meet Jesus First.

I was reading in the book of Titus last week and since then I've been thinking of something Paul says in the third chapter. He saved us, not because of any works of righteousness that we have done, but because of His own compassion and mercy... Titus 3:5 AMP Now this is typical of the... Continue Reading →

The Book of Job: Chapter 34

Elihu has a lot to say about Job's accusations against God. He wastes no time reminding those gathered that God is just, something Job's arguments have been in contradiction with. Elihu also reminds us that God's justice isn't in favor of one person or another, but it comes to all, but even within His justice,... Continue Reading →

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