Are We Content?

No Matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content.

Ecclesiastes 1:8

We are constantly seeking things out to make us content. We are constantly looking for things to satisfy us. But God is not. God looks at us and is content. He’s not off trying to make us or something else better. He is content with us as we are. Yet it seems like we are never content, even in His presence we beg for more. We ask for more of Him, more of His love, more of His power, more of His strength, more opportunities from Him, etc, which is not always bad. The want to be closer and more like God’s image is good.

He is content to sit with us and converse with us.

But how many times are we content and satisfied to simply be in His presence? How many times are we really content to simply sit at His feet and soak in His presence, to simply listen to His words of love that He is speaking to us? Because God is. He is content to sit with us and converse with us. God doesn’t want us in His presence to change us, He wants us to be in His presence to be with us. God doesn’t have an agenda to change us. He accepts us as we are. Change is simply a byproduct of being in His presence. We say that we are made in His image, and indeed we are as God confirmed before creating us, but is that image reflected when we are always asking and never content? If God is content to simply sit and converse with us, should we not also be content to sit and converse with Him?

We’ve become more concerned with what God can give us than with God Himself.

In our current state of seeking and asking, it’s as if we are looking over God’s shoulder or around the room for a present He has hidden. We’ve become more concerned with what being in God’s presence can give us than with God Himself. God is more concerned with us than what we can do for Him. Which really is not a whole lot on our part. The only thing that we can really give God is our companionship and He doesn’t need that. He’s three beings in one, He’s His own companion! But He wants us. Just us. Isn’t it time we want just Him instead of what He can give us? I think it’s time to look at Him and be satisfied. To hear Him and be content.

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